Visit one of our offices:

Mount Pulaski Branch
130 South Washington Street
Mount Pulaski, IL  62548

Chestnut Branch
100 Olive St
PO Box 80
Chestnut, IL 62518

Call a customer service representative:

Mount Pulaski - 217-792-5211
Chestnut - 217-796-3305

There are many ways you can contact us here at Longview Community Bank.

Use this form to securely communicate with Longview Community Bank. Your submission will be encrypted for your protection.

Please do not include any easily identifiable personal information in your message.   For security purposes, information such as birth dates, social security numbers, codes, passwords, PIN numbers and account numbers should not be included in this message.  If such information must be related, please use the ‘Secure Message’ feature within the Internet Banking system.

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